Business Information
Business Details
Business Name: Business ID: 0196329
File #:
Registration Type: Assumed Business Name Registration Status: Cessated
Expiration Date: 10/06/2018 Last Renewal Date: 08/07/2013
Registration Date: 07/30/1993 Next Renewal Period Begins: 08/06/2018
Business Description: AUTO AGENCY AND GARAGE
Cessation Date: 05/18/2015
Principal Office Business Address: 32 VERMONT ROUTE 15E, MORRISVILLE, VT, 05661, USA Principal Office Mailing Address: 32 VERMONT ROUTE 15E, MORRISVILLE, VT, 05661, USA
Citizenship: Domestic/VT    
Individual Registrant Information
No Individual Registrant listed for this Assumed Name.
Registered Agent Information
Name: NONE
Physical Address: NONE
Mailing Address: NONE
Agent Type:
Business Point of Contact Following Dissolution/Withdrawal for purposes of Service of Process
Name: Dan Keene
Physical Address: 32 VT RTE 15E, Morrisville, VT, 05661, USA
Mailing Address: 32 VT RTE 15E, Morrisville, VT, 05661, USA
Business Registrant Information
Business Name Business ID Business Status
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