Business Information
Business Details
Business Name: Business ID: 0361062
Business Type: Domestic Blockchain Based Limited Liability Company Business Status: Terminated
L3C Subtype: Member Managed Did the LLC have members at the time of filing? No
Date of Incorporation / Registration Date: 08/07/2019  
Fiscal Year Month: 12
NAICS Code: 54-Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services NAICS sub code: 611-Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
Designated Office Business Address: 3008 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, VT, 55408, USA Designated Office Mailing Address: 3008 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, VT, 55408, USA
Citizenship / Domestic Jurisdiction: Domestic/VT    
Last Report Filed: NONE Next Filing Due Date: 01/01/2021
Principals Information
No Principal(s) listed for this business.
Registered Agent Information
Name: Vermont Registered Agent LLC
Physical Address: 145 Pine Haven Shores Suite 1000-A, Shelburne, VT, VT, 05482, USA
Mailing Address: 145 Pine Haven Shores Suite 1000-A, Shelburne, VT, VT, 05482, USA
Agent Type: Registered Entity
Assumed Business Name Information
No Business Registrants associated with this Assumed Name..
Office Correction Comments
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