Business Information
Business Details
Business Name: Business ID: 0340822
Registration Type: Assumed Business Name Registration Status: Expired
Expiration Date: 05/07/2023    
Registration Date: 03/08/2018 Next Renewal Period Begins: 03/07/2023
Business Description: Not Available  
NAICS Code: 44-Retail Trade NAICS sub code: 310-Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores
Principal Business Office Address: 1000 Seville Road, Wadsworth, OH, 44281, USA Mailing Address: 1000 Seville Road, Wadsworth, OH, 44281, USA
Citizenship / Domestic Jurisdiction:    
Individual Registrant Information
No Individual Registrant listed for this Assumed Name.
Registered Agent Information
Physical Address: 100 N MAIN ST STE 2, BARRE, VT, 05641, USA
Mailing Address: 100 N MAIN ST STE 2, BARRE, VT, 05641, USA
Business Registrant Information
Business Name Business ID Business Status
ECS TUNING, LLC 0340229 Active
Office Correction Comments
Corrected DateComments
02/24/2023consol csc agents
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